惡魔貓 发表于 2014-1-18 07:50:28


I hear my exist's a lie
make a look and he has begun
reading new and receivingthe new ye
never give me a reason to cry
No Kidding me and maraud me
cause he has tried to slung
like sand away in a hurry
but trust me you like me and want enough
My name have we seen or rarely
my mind was told 'What must I do?'
rising a way in my do
write 'hello' in the room
So bring me could we get your sight?
I've already crave your voice
Just give me give us the thing as alive
every thing came for a crazy arrive
Reach me could we get your sight?
I've already add some thing
cuz I need everything,want everything
Have you ever thought my feeling?
A lie...
Give me could we get your sight?
Have you ever thought my feeling?
Then shall we ......
but he has tried to slung
thought there is no reason for you
but look at me,how did you break me out?
My name have we seen or rarely

Tohought here we look in ......
It doesn't in the room
So bring me could we get you sight?
I've already crave your voice
Just give me give us the thing as alive
every thing came for a crazy arrive
Reach me could we get your sight?
I've already add some thing
cuz I need everything,want everything
Have you ever thought my feeling? A lie......
Take a look and here we are now
It's mushy......
That's what I was dreaming

1002821125 发表于 2014-3-13 20:43:52


信风之约 发表于 2015-4-19 13:50:31

Cytus封面曲啊 大爱
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查看完整版本: 另类电音<Cytus>