suixin812 发表于 2014-2-26 13:50:46


本帖最后由 suixin812 于 2015-3-11 16:13 编辑

Rainmeter 3.1Beta

Time for the next version of Rainmeter!

The latest version of Rainmeter will see many improvements, both for users of the application and for those creating and editing skins. Stay tuned every Sunday for the latest beta version. As always, Rainmeter 3.1 fully supports skins written for earlier versions, and you can simply upgrade their existing installations. There is no need to uninstall or change any existing setup to use the new beta version.

February 23, 2014 - Revision 2282

[*]Added SysInfo: Added new IDLE_TIME SysInfoType option. This will return the number of seconds since the last user input (mouse or keyboard) to the operating system.

February 16, 2014 - Revision 2280

[*]Changed: Added the Windows version and bit architecture to the About / Version dialog.
[*]Fixed: Corrected that separators were not displayed with the !SkinCustomMenu bang.

February 9, 2014 - Revision 2269

[*]Added FileView: Added support for opening the Windows properties or context menu dialogs for file or folder objects. Details at Change Announcements.
FileView.dll功能增加:增加了打开文件或文件夹的“属性”窗口与右键菜单的功能。详细见Change Announcements。
[*]Added Rainmeter: Added !SkinCustomMenu bang to display only user-defined context menu items instead of the normal skin context menu.

January 5, 2014 - Revision 2255

[*]Added Measures: New String measure type, used to create and manipulate string values.
[*]Added Measures: New IfMatchAction options for taking actions based on a regular expression comparison with the measure's string value. See Change Announcements for details and examples.
Measure功能增加:新的Measure选项——IfMatchAction,用于当Measure的文本值符合一个正则表达式时执行一个动作。详细见Change Announcements。
[*]Added Section Variables: New :EscapeRegExp measure section variable parameter. This will return the string value of the measure with all regular expression reserved characters escaped.
[*]Added Section Variables: New :EncodeURL measure section variable parameter. This will return the string value of the measure as a URL-encoded string.
[*]Fixed WebParser: A problem in some cases with properly handling [&MeasureName] variables on the URL option.
[*]Changed Calc: Due to possible impacts on system resources, UniqueRandom now has a limit of 65535, defined by the difference between LowBound and HighBound.

December 23, 2013 - Revision 2218

[*]Fixed Corrected an issue with the AdvancedCPU and Perfmon plugins and 32bit Rainmeter, caused in an earlier beta.

December 22, 2013 - Revision 2211

[*]Fixed Corrected a bug with the Round math function, caused in an earlier beta.
[*]Changed Language: Updates to localization language strings.

December 22, 2013 - Revision 2209

[*]Added SysInfo: New LAN_CONNECTIVITY and INTERNET_CONNECTIVITY SysInfoType options. Measure will return "1" on success and "-1" on failure.
[*]Fixed Calc: Fixed repeating log error message when Random function HighBound is smaller than LowBound.
[*]Changed Tooltip: ToolTipIcon option now allows a relative path to the image.
[*]Changed Language: Updates to localization language strings.

November 10, 2013 - Revision 2187

[*]Added Measures: New IfConditions functionality added. This is a powerful extension to the concepts provided in IfActions, allowing multiple tests and actions, both "true" and "false" testing, and the ability to use logical AND and OR operators in the conditions. See Change Announcements for details and example skins.
Measure功能增加:增加了新的IfCondition功能。这是一个对IfAction非常强大的扩展,一个Measure下可以包含多套IfCondition,每一个IfCondition条件的成立和不成立都有对应的动作,同时在条件语句中允许使用AND、OR等逻辑运算符。详细见Change Announcements。 Rainmeter 3.1 Beta . Avaliable from: 26 February 2014)

3.1Beta的IfCondition 简介
【翻译】Rainmeter 3.0.2正式更新
【吐槽】Rainmeter 3.0发布一览&吐槽
【翻译】Rainmeter 2.5 Final Release
【翻译】Rainmeter 2.5 Beta测试版发布

stephenwang1979 发表于 2020-6-5 10:25:50

Changed Language: Updates to localization language strings.

seaneo 发表于 2018-8-15 00:38:40

Added Measures: New IfConditions functionality added. This is a powerful extension to the concepts provided in IfActions, allowing multiple tests and actions, both "true" and "false" testing, and the ability to use logical AND and OR operators in the conditions. See Change Announcements for details and example skins.

咣咣咣就是干 发表于 2018-8-14 23:36:02

Changed Language: Updates to localization language strings.

seaneo 发表于 2018-8-14 22:33:10


咣咣咣就是干 发表于 2018-8-14 21:30:31


seaneo 发表于 2018-8-14 20:27:36

February 16, 2014 - Revision 2280

咣咣咣就是干 发表于 2018-8-14 19:24:47


seaneo 发表于 2018-8-14 18:22:03


咣咣咣就是干 发表于 2018-8-14 17:19:22

Added Rainmeter: Added !SkinCustomMenu bang to display only user-defined context menu items instead of the normal skin context menu.

seaneo 发表于 2018-8-14 16:16:35

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查看完整版本: 【翻译】Rainmeter3.1测试版发布(r2282)