??? 发表于 2020-1-20 17:07:47


Hello all. :welcome:
After many windows 10 versions has microsoft ended up developing this api a bit further, so i decided to update the plugin :)

TypeDefault: Blur
Valid values are Blur, Acrylic, and None
Blur will apply the regular blur effect that the plugin applied in version 1.0 (the middle one in the image bellow)
Acrylic will apply the new windows 10 acrylic effect to the window (the first one in the image bellow)
None will not affect anything and is mostly an option to allow you to disable the blur effect (the last one in the image bellow)
Note: The effect applies to the entire skin, only applying this effect to a section of the skin is sadly impossible.
BorderDefault: None
Valid values are All, None, Left, Right, Top and Bottom.
In order to mix and match the borders can you select a few of the sides by piping them together. e.g Border=Left | Right will create a border on only the left and right side of the skin and not on the top and bottom.

Note: The sides with a border will gain a small shadow.
Note 2: The border exists one pixel outside the skin on the relevant sides and cannot be inside the skin.
An example of the plugin in use:

I haven't yet found a way to blur parts of the skin. Currently it blurs the entire skin window.

In windows 8.1 and bellow it simply won't work, so it should be safe, but there won't be any blur effects.

WARNING: this is an unofficial and undocumented method of achieving the blur effect in windows 10 and might therefore be changed in any update of windows 10. If that happens, then every skin using this plugin will loose the blur effect. You have been warned!注意该插件需要4.2 r3074的雨滴版本https://bbs.rainmeter.cn/forum.php?mod=image&aid=199358&size=300x300&key=88373555e9d9e8d1&nocache=yes&type=fixnone

camusice 发表于 2020-1-20 18:48:27


??? 发表于 2020-1-20 19:02:55

camusice 发表于 2020-1-20 18:48


360008910 发表于 2020-1-23 12:49:58

xihuande hen

空城旧井丶 发表于 2020-1-26 20:12:40


mzflh 发表于 2020-3-3 16:47:15


HOOIMIN 发表于 2020-3-4 20:07:28

这个很不错 支持一下

swqin2001 发表于 2020-4-3 05:13:50


小满i 发表于 2020-5-26 10:00:40


jim850613 发表于 2021-5-28 00:03:01

感謝! 正需要紅色調的
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