!!! 紧急公告,Rainmeter官方对所有用户的警告 !!!
There has suddenly been a rash of uploads to deviantART.com,
in the Rainmeter area, of skins which are simply copies of an existing deviation with a virus added. These can be identified by the fact that they have comments disabled, or have some comments "hidden". PLEASE help us to help you. Read the comments for any skin you are tempted to download from deviantART.com. On the right of the deviation, near the bottom, there is a section for "Statistics". The first item in this is "Comments". If they are "Disabled", or when you look at the deviation there are any "Hidden by owner" entries below it in the comments area, DO NOT download this skin.
最近在deviantART.com的Rainmeter区突然出现了一批被绑定了病毒的Rainmeter皮肤.这些皮肤只是简单的复制现有的皮肤,然后再绑定病毒.Rainmeter团队和deviantART工作人员正在对这一情况进行处理,我们希望事件能够尽快解决.在此期间请你保护好你自己.可以肯定的是,他们会禁止用户对该资源进行评论或隐藏该资源的评论.在你想下载某个Rainmeter资源之前请先参考其它用户对该资源的评论.在资源的的右边贴近底部的地方,有一个"Statistics(统计)"部分,该部分第一项是"Comments(评论)",如果该项被该用户禁用了或者你在评论列表中看到"Hidden by owner(评论被用户隐藏)",那这个资源就值得怀疑了,请不要下载. 知道了。。。 汗!官方论坛也中招了。 还好最近没下载 {:soso_e129:} 最近没逛官网逃过一劫 感谢。 这是很严重的问题啊 还好 我只在论坛下那以后发资源是否要带查毒链接呢? 感谢。 这是很严重的问题啊 前十~以后注意点~ 以后要杀毒,有毒的要全部删,不能加信任