# Come to a wow gold making guide - cangyue02的日志 - 雨滴社区 - Powered by Discuz!
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Come to a wow gold making guide

已有 862 次阅读2011-9-6 10:06

Come to a wow gold making guide
  The game becomes real fun when the character has grown wow gold enough to take part in battlegrounds, where Horde teams battle Alliance teams, the prize being honor and marks of honor which can be spent for great in game prizes. As the characters grows and becomes more powerful, PVP, which means “player vs player” comes into action. What this means is that Horde players and Alliance players enter in direct combat every time they encounter in the world of Azeroth. Players who are on the same side wow gold can also duel between themselves if they want to make wow gold.
  But, you need to have a good, updated addon and a feel for what sells and what doesn't on your server. You will also need to look wow gold through the AH every day to know what things are going for wow gold. The idea behind playing the AH is to buy low and sell high. Instead of spending an hour or more on dailies or farming, you can spend an hour or so combing through the AH for things that are on there way cheap that you can buy and then sell higher.
  For example, jewelers should get a couple of good cuts for certain gems, like noble topaz wow gold or living ruby. Make sure that you have all the patterns, recipes, or plans that you possibly can that will allow you to make specialty items that will sell wow gold on the AH. There are some professions that are much better than others when it comes to wow gold making. Jewelcrafting is one of them. But, every server is different, so look through the AH to see what is selling and what is not. Then you want to be able to level your profession until you can get a specialization and that is where the real wow gold comes in.

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