# nfl jerseys How To Create Personal Brand And Marke - likebags89的日志 - 雨滴社区 - Powered by Discuz!
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nfl jerseys How To Create Personal Brand And Marke

已有 475 次阅读2012-7-14 15:21

author by puiann123 :

Identifying and marketing your personal brand is an essential core competency for managing and sustaining a successful career. In this increasing competitive world it is important to empower yourself by knowing what you want, what you have to offer, and how to ask for it.

Your overall ability to market your talents and accomplishments are a key part of enhancing your brand. The demands we face today include an unpredictable economy, highly competitive market place and increased competition by all levels.

In order to be successful, it is very critical to set yourself apart from crowd.

Think about the following questions:
Do you know your value add Your very unique differentiations?
Can you define your personal brand?
How easily and effectively you can showcase your skills and expertise?
Do you actively work on enhancing your brand?

Are you comfortable talking about yourself in this way? More importantly, are you prepared to talk about yourself in this way packaging your talents and accomplishments showcasing them and presenting your value within your chosen field and community?

The first step is to change your mindset and embrace personal branding as a required competency in taking charge of your career and executing a effective strategy.

Below are some techniques for developing this competency.
1.Preparation: Define and identify your brand
2.Packaging: Create your unique portfolio
3.Presentation: Deliver your message in front of target audience

Can you express yourself or your profession in less than 140 characters? For example, Steve Jobs description of the MacBook Air takes thirty characters including the period: The worlds thinnest notebook. What a message across the board!
Know your value skills, competencies, accomplishments, strengths,nfl jerseys, limitations, interests, inputs from others. You can do SWOT analysis in this area. It is not about how big the market is, it is all about how you create value.
Differentiating factors unique characteristics, experiences you have to offer that set you apart from the crowd.
Network How you connect with people in personal and professional path
Goals Create mission for career, set goals and have a strong plan
Positive attitude This is one of the most important ingredients for bright future. Positivity boost overall productivity of the human being

Maintain resume, bio and portfolio regularly. Update when necessary. Stay up to date with current information
Keep copies of your awards, presentations etc
Create history of your accomplishments
Obtain references when you have actually made a difference in the system
Expand your network in order to spread your personal brand in right direction
Create win-win situation and make strong relationships

Strong communication and create active listening
Practice your delivery again and again to master the stage.
Create reciprocity Say please and thank you to people. Because when you say Please it says you respect the person and when you say Thank you it says you admire the person
Never burn bridges leave positive impression and make new bridges
Deliver with utmost confidence Best example is Steve Jobs. According to study, ten thousand hours of practice is required to achieve the level of mastery associated with being a world-class expert in anything. Keep this in mind practice your presentation.

Practicing these above techniques for establishing your personal brand and marketing yourself will result in a focused career.

The best person to manage your career is YOU and the best person to showcase your skills and expertise is again YOU so go ahead and build your Personal brand and market yourself today!



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