- 217947
- 主题
- 注册时间
- 2012-1-8
- 在线时间
- 小时
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- 1970-1-1
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【DBank网盘】 Blackline Calendar.ini (5.62K)
http://dl.dbank.com/c0nce6yyeh- [Rainmeter]
- Update=1000
- DynamicWindowSize=1
- BackgroundMode=2
- SolidColor=0,0,0,0
- ;[Calendar]
- ;Meter=IMAGE
- ;X=0
- ;Y=-2
- ;H=80
- ;ImageName=back.png
- [cSpace]
- Measure=Calc
- [BG]
- Meter=IMAGE
- SolidColor=0,0,0
- H=25
- [Metadata]
- Name=Blackline Calendar
- Config=
- Description=
- Instructions=
- Version=
- Tags=
- License=Only for personal use
- Variant=
- [Variables]
- MainText=255,255,255,255
- CurrentText=ff0000
- IndicatorWidth=50
- IndicatorHeight=0
- IndicatorColorTop=255,255,255,0
- IndicatorColorBot=255,255,255,0
- TextY=1
- ;Set to 1 to display both top and bottom rounded portions, 2 to show only the top, and 3 to show only the bottom.
- Indicator=1
- ;Set to 1 to dynamically center on the screen. Note that this moves the whole skin.
- Center=1
- [Move]
- Measure=Calc
- Formula=#Center#*(Move+1)
- IfAboveValue=10
- IfAboveAction=!RainmeterToggleMeasureGroup Move
- Group=Move
- [xMove]
- Measure=Calc
- IfAboveValue=0
- IfAboveAction=!RainmeterMove [xMove] #CURRENTCONFIGY#
- DynamicVariables=1
- Disabled=1
- Group=Move
- [msTry]
- Measure=Calc
- DynamicVariables=1
- [TextStyle]
- FontFace=Eurostile LT
- FontSize=14
- FontColor=#MainText#
- AntiAlias=1
- H=20
- W=10
- StringAlign=Center
- X=[cSpace]r
- DynamicVariables=1
- Y=(#TextY#+(#Indicator#<3)*2)
- [mYear]
- ;Retreve year with century
- Measure=TIME
- Format=%Y
- [mMonth]
- ;Gets current month without leading zero. ex: 8
- Measure=TIME
- Format=%#m
- [mDay]
- ;Gets current day without leading zero. ex 8
- Measure=TIME
- Format=%#d
- [mDayCount]
- Measure=CALC
- Formula=((mMonth=1)||(mMonth=12)||(mMonth=8)||(mMonth=7)||(mMonth=5)||(mMonth=3)||(mMonth=10))*31+(mMonth=2)*(28+((mYear%4)=0))+((mMonth=4)||(mMonth=6)||(mMonth=9)||(mMonth=11))*30
- [cDay1]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="01"
- X=((#IndicatorWidth#/2+20))
- [cDay2]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="02"
- [cDay3]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="03"
- [cDay4]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="04"
- [cDay5]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="05"
- [cDay6]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="06"
- [cDay7]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="07"
- [cDay8]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="08"
- [cDay9]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="09"
- [cDay10]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="10"
- [cDay11]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="11"
- [cDay12]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="12"
- [cDay13]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="13"
- [cDay14]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="14"
- [cDay15]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="15"
- [cDay16]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="16"
- [cDay17]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="17"
- [cDay18]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="18"
- [cDay19]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="19"
- [cDay20]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="20"
- [cDay21]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="21"
- [cDay22]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="22"
- [cDay23]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="23"
- [cDay24]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="24"
- [cDay25]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="25"
- [cDay26]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="26"
- [cDay27]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="27"
- [cDay28]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="28"
- [cHide29]
- Measure=Calc
- Formula=mDayCount<29
- [cDay29]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="29"
- Hidden=[cHide29]
- X=(([cHide29]=0)*[cSpace])r
- [cHide30]
- Measure=Calc
- Formula=mDayCount<30
- [cDay30]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="30"
- Hidden=[cHide30]
- X=(([cHide30]=0)*[cSpace])r
- [cHide31]
- Measure=Calc
- Formula=mDayCount<31
- [cDay31]
- Meter=String
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- Text="31"
- Hidden=[cHide31]
- X=(([cHide31]=0)*[cSpace])r
- [mFix]
- Meter=Image
- W=((#IndicatorWidth#/2+20))
- H=#IndicatorHeight#
- SolidColor=0,0,0,1
- X=r
- [mIndic]
- Meter=Image
- SolidColor=#IndicatorColorTop#
- SolidColor2=#IndicatorColorBot#
- GradientAngle=90
- ;H=16
- H=((#IndicatorHeight#-10)<0?0:#IndicatorHeight#-10)
- W=#IndicatorWidth#
- X=([cSpace]*([mDay]-1))
- Y=((#Indicator#<3)*2)
- DynamicVariables=1
- [cHideBot]
- Measure=Calc
- Formula=#Indicator#=2
- IfAboveValue=0
- IfAboveAction=!RainmeterHideMeterGroup BotRound
- [mLeftRound]
- Meter=Roundline
- MeasureName=cQuarterRound
- LineColor=#IndicatorColorBot#
- LineLength=5
- StartAngle=1.570796326795
- Solid=1
- AntiAlias=1
- H=10
- W=10
- Y=(-5-#TextY#)R
- ;X=(-(#IndicatorWidth#/2+20))r
- X=r
- Group=BotRound
- [mSpace]
- Meter=Image
- SolidColor=#IndicatorColorBot#
- H=5
- W=(#IndicatorWidth#-10)
- Y=-5R
- X=5r
- Group=BotRound
- [mRightRound]
- Meter=Roundline
- MeterStyle=mLeftRound
- StartAngle=0
- Y=-5r
- X=-5R
- [cHideTop]
- Measure=Calc
- Formula=#Indicator#=3
- IfAboveValue=0
- IfAboveAction=!RainmeterHideMeterGroup TopRound
- [mLeftRound2]
- Meter=Roundline
- MeasureName=cQuarterRound
- LineColor=#IndicatorColorTop#
- LineLength=5
- StartAngle=3.14159265359
- Solid=1
- AntiAlias=1
- H=10
- W=8
- X=([cSpace]*([mDay]-1))
- DynamicVariables=1
- Group=TopRound
- [mSpace2]
- Meter=Image
- SolidColor=#IndicatorColorTop#
- H=5
- W=(#IndicatorWidth#-10)
- X=5r
- Group=TopRound
- [mRightRound2]
- Meter=Roundline
- MeterStyle=mLeftRound2
- StartAngle=-1.570796326795
- X=-5R
- [cDay]
- Measure=Calc
- Formula=mDay/100
- Substitute="0.":""
- [mCurrent]
- Meter=string
- MeasureName=cDay
- NumOfDecimals=2
- MeterStyle=TextStyle
- FontColor=#CurrentText#
- ;X=((#IndicatorWidth#/2+20))r
- X=(([cSpace]*([mDay]-1))+((#IndicatorWidth#/2+20)))
- [cQuarterRound]
- Measure=Calc
- Formula=0.25
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