# 最新发表的日志 - 第33页 - 雨滴社区 - Powered by Discuz!




分享 没办法
一夜孤城win 2011-9-14 09:25
很多事都没办法按自己的想法实现,就像现在我还有很多东西不懂一样,喝多了就会醉,吃多了就会撑,想多了就会影响睡眠,一切或许都有着其自己的轨道,我们的改变有些时候只是些微乎其微,时间很多时候能够改变一些东 ...
513 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 天使吻过我
Eric、 2011-9-13 22:44
我曾经见过一个青年,他脸上有块胎记,很吓人。但他很友善,幽默,和他打过交道的人,都不由自主地喜欢上他。他常常参加演讲。起初看着他的观众都觉得担心,这个样子的他相貌就失分了,不过等到他讲完,掌声已经如� ...
697 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 一句话经典
5211314 2011-9-13 19:51
1 长得帅有什么用?考清华有什么用?学经济有什么用?将来还不是要娶罗玉凤! 2 一网友很凝重的告诉我:“新闻联播的牛13之处在于就算你一直在换台,也能完整地看完一条新闻。” 3 鸟在笼中,恨关羽不能张飞 ...
1198 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 走过奈何桥 喝下孟婆汤
Eric、 2011-9-12 23:18
投胎转世以前的最后一秒,喝下孟婆汤,我所有的记忆,不会再保留。。。 这一辈子,无论遇过什么样的人,什么样的事,通通也会随着这碗解药,而忘的一干二净。我会忘记 ...
704 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 【知识改变命运啊!】
5211314 2011-9-10 09:24
【知识改变命运啊!】 一女大学生归遇歹徒。 歹徒凶狠问:站住!干嘛去? 女孩不想被劫财,遂可怜巴巴道:去借钱。 歹徒依然凶狠问:借钱去干嘛? 女孩又怕被劫色,便道:得了性病没钱治。 歹徒 ...
1103 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 一生中经典的16个片段..
5211314 2011-9-10 09:06
5岁,我手拿中秋月饼,去找邻家小妹,想与小妹一同分享。哪知小妹抓过月饼,也抓过我的小手,一并咬下,给我留下人生第一痛。   10岁,我为给小妹从大胖手中抢回发夹,我向那庞然大物发起自杀式冲锋,落得满身伤痕 ...
1177 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Wedding Dresses – How to Select the Best One for You
cangyue02 2011-9-6 10:14
Wedding Dresses – How to Select the Best One for You   Every bridesmaid would agree with the fair conditioning unitt thon her wedding dresses weddingOne dress should be very perfect – not only does she want to look her top rgotd, on her special day, but her wedding drWeddingess also is th ...
1969 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Design Your Own Wedding Dress
cangyue02 2011-9-6 10:13
Design Your Own Wedding Dress   Design Your Own Wedding Dress!Google Doodle Celebrates Jorge Luis BorgesIn 1975 he published a wedding dress short story “The Book of Sand.Some of Borges prominent works include “Ficciones,Jorge. The Washington Post“his blending of worlds and epochs,Your. ...
2578 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Wow power leveling Guide for Alliance
cangyue02 2011-9-6 10:10
Wow power leveling Guide for Alliance   Do you want to learn the secrets for leveling up faster in wow power leveling? Have you spent weeks or wow power leveling months playing WoW and not yet made it to level 85? There are thousands of players in Alliance or Horde working away at quests desp ...
573 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Where To Buy Wow Gold eu Is Real Considerable
cangyue02 2011-9-6 10:07
Where To Buy Wow Gold eu Is Real Considerable   When we playing world of warcraft,wow gold is the basic items that all players need to get it. If you possess enough wow gold ,you may have the chance to buy wow gold experience more fantastic and interesting parts in wow,it is one of the reason ...
922 次阅读|0 个评论