# Rainmeter开发团队关于Rainmeter皮肤编辑器的相关问题问答 - 论坛规则与公告 - 雨滴社区 - Powered by Discuz!




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[通知] Rainmeter开发团队关于Rainmeter皮肤编辑器的相关问题问答


签到天数: 265 天


发表于 2011-7-22 09:26:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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昨天,我们对Rainmeter开发团队进行了一次专访,就中国地区用户关心的Rainmeter皮肤代码编辑器等问题与开发团队成员交换了意见和看法 J :Joky) (K:Kaelri - 开发团队成员) ===============================================================================================

·J:这是一个关于Rainmeter代码编辑器的问题,很多中国地区的Rainmeter初级玩家都抱怨Rainmeter皮肤代码的编写太复杂,这让很多新手 望而却步。几个月以前,中国地区的一名独立开发者开发出一款叫做“酷鱼”的桌面小工具。它看上去和Rainmeter差不多,但是因为它 的皮肤编辑器是所见即所得的模式,因此受到很多初级玩家的青睐。这有可能威胁到Rainmeter今后在中国地区的市场份额。那么请问, 开发团队今后是否会在皮肤编辑器这方面有所改进,或者在后期Rainmeter版本中编写一个针对初级玩家的所见即所得的皮肤编辑器?

·K:There is a great deal of demand for a visual Rainmeter skin editor outside of China, as well. Fundamentally, Rainmeter code will always be a text-based markup language. But I believe it's possible to make an editor which offers a layer of WYSIWYG features on top of the fundamental code. Like all things Rainmeter, this depends on the generous contributions of unpaid developers. So if we find someone who is willing to do the necessary work to create such an editor, we would welcome this person, and support them however we can.


·K:Correct. That is not an active short-term goal of ours. We strongly believe that the flexibility of pure code offers more power and possibilities than a purely WYSIWYG approach, and we think it is important to maintain that power. There is another program like 酷鱼, which is called "Samurize." It used to be the dominant system monitoring platform for Windows, but Rainmeter surpassed it several years ago. I believe the advanced potential provided by Rainmeter's code-based approach was a large part of this development.

·J:但是这对没有任何代码编写基础的人来说还是很困难的,我们期待开发团队在后期的Rainmeter版本中在这方面能有所改进或者 简化代码写方式。我们不难发现,在一个Rainmeter皮肤中,很多代码是需要不断重复的。

·K:We do continue trying to make the code easier to learn, simpler, and more consistent. The addition of MeterStyles and includefiles have allowed skin authors to eliminate very large amounts of repeated code. We are also shortening the syntax for some features - for example, !bang commands no longer require the "!Rainmeter"prefix. Changes like these will help to make the Rainmeter language smaller and more intuitive. Rainmeter code should be considered like HTML code for website design. We can add many tools that will make it easier to learn and faster to write, including visual and WYSIWYG utilities. But the code will always be the backbone of the platform.


·K:I agree.

同时,Kaelri还表示,Rainmeter后期版本将能更好的支持动态效果并会在速度和性能方面有所提升。 如果大家在使用某款Rainmeter皮肤时,发现该款皮肤占用CPU过高或导致计算机性能低下。大家可以将该 皮肤文件以附件的形式用邮件发送给我们,以帮助开发团队确定病因并进一步提高性能。 在邮件中请说明使用该皮肤后导致的问题(点击页面右下角“联系我们”链接)


使用道具 举报

签到天数: 142 天


发表于 2011-7-22 12:17:21 | 显示全部楼层
哦~原来是这样。。。。 你敢把这个翻译一下不? 看懂的单词没几个。。{:soso_e127:}

使用道具 举报

签到天数: 204 天


发表于 2011-7-22 12:56:01 | 显示全部楼层
敢翻译下不 伤感

使用道具 举报

签到天数: 15 天


发表于 2011-7-22 12:58:47 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报


发表于 2011-7-22 18:15:02 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

签到天数: 104 天


发表于 2011-7-23 19:33:05 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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