# Rainmeter开发团队寄语 - 写给中国地区Rainmeter用户 - 论坛规则与公告 - 雨滴社区 - Powered by Discuz!




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[通知] Rainmeter开发团队寄语 - 写给中国地区Rainmeter用户


签到天数: 265 天


发表于 2011-7-24 09:35:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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         The Rainmeter developers are pleased to welcome Chinese users into our international community. It is an honor that so many people of the Middle Kingdom have chosen Rainmeter as a useful tool as well as an outlet for their creativity, innovation and desire for expression, as we have in other parts of the world. You have been invited to become part of an ecosystem which is based on the open exchange of ideas, resources, and knowledge. 

         We, the developers, come from many different societies. Two of our team members are from Canada, two from Finland, one from the United Kingdom, two from Japan, and three from the United States. There are many others who create plugins, addons, and skins. All of us are all volunteers who contribute our time and efforts at our own expense, and we choose to share our accomplishments freely with those who have only recently discovered the world of Rainmeter. 

          Joky, the Administrator on your forum, has been indispensable in making this relationship a reality, and we look forward to working with him for a long time to come. He has now decided to end the requirement of purchased invitation codes, and open the forum to all Chinese users who wish to join. We consider this a meaningful action which proves his commitment to the philosophy of Rainmeter. Therefore, we are proud to endorse Rainmeter中文论坛 as the official Chinese-language Rainmeter forum. 

         Three years ago, Rainmeter was considered to be dead. Only a small number of people were using it, and its creator had abandoned it in favor of new projects. However, the endeavor of desktop-customizing was becoming more popular, and a small number of dedicated users stumbled upon this relic. We were attracted to its elegant language, which was easy to learn, but also very powerful, and prepared for greater expansion. For the first time, a team of talented artists and programmers showed the world what Rainmeter was truly capable of. After that, the community began to grow very quickly. 

         And now, with the beginning of our new relationship with Chinese users, it will thrive even more. As you know, Rainmeter is completely “open source software.” Every file in the program can be downloaded by anyone from our repository on Google Code. Although the developers control what becomes part of Rainmeter, we are always happy to take suggestions and contributions from anyone who has a good idea. Many skilled programmers and designers have joined our team over the years. Each week, we release a “beta” version of Rainmeter with the newest features. Most recently, we have added support for interfacing with a wide range of media players, Windows 7 “Aero” visual effects, and the Lua scripting language. Right now, we are discussing options for language localization, plugins for RSS/Atom feeds and other service APIs, improved skin editing and management of personal settings, and simplifying the skin language to make it even easier to learn and write. 

         But as for the future, there are no limits to what Rainmeter can do, as our users continue to apply our tools in new ways that no one has imagined. We can’t wait to see what the addition of the Chinese Rainmeter community will make possible for all of us.

         Rainmeter开发团队欢迎中国地区用户加入Rainmeter用户群并对此感到非常高兴。我们很荣幸有很多中国地区的用户选 择Rainmeter并借此表达自己的创新和创造力。你已经被邀请成为以开放的观念,资源和知识为基础的生态系统的一部分。 

        开发团队成员来自世界各地。两名成员来自加拿大,两名芬兰人,一名英国人,两名日本人以及三名美国人。还有许多 自愿开发插件,扩展程序和皮肤的人。我们都是自愿者,我们花费自己的钱,贡献自己的时间和努力。我们选择与那些 刚刚发现Rainmeter世界的人无私的分享我们的成就。

        你们论坛的管理者,joky. 它已经成为我们建立这种关系不可或缺的一部分,我们期待着在即将到来的很长的一段时间里与 他一起工作。他决定取消邀请码并开放注册。这证明了他支持Rainmeter的免费和开放,我们认为这是非常有意义的。 因此,我们非常赞同并选择“Rainmeter中文论坛”作为Rainmeter在中国地区的官方论坛并为此感到自豪。 

         三年以前,人们认为Rainmeter快支撑不下去了。只有少数的人在使用它,它的创始人决定放弃它并决定研究新的项目。 然而,桌面定制变得越来越流行。一小部分的用户偶然发现了这个被遗弃的工具,我们被它简单易学而且非常强大并 准备有更大的扩展的优越语言吸引住了。这是一个有艺术和才华的开发团队第一次向世界展示了Rainmeter的真正的能 力。从此以后,Rainmeter用户群开始快速增长。

         而现在,随着我们与中国地区用户的关系的建立,rainmeter将会更加强 大。 众所周知,Rainmeter是完全“免费和开源的软件”。该程序的每一个文件大家都可以在我们的谷歌代码库下载。虽然 由开发人员控制Rainmeter的组成部分,但是我们很乐意接受任何人的建议和贡献。多年来,有许多熟练的程序员和设 计师加入我们的团队。每周,我们都会发布一个具有新功能的Rainmeter“测试”版。最近,我们增加了对大多数媒体播 放器,windows 7 "透明玻璃"效果以及lua脚本语言的支持。眼下,我们正在讨论语言本地化|能够提供RSS/Ato源以及其 他API服务的插件|改善皮肤的编辑以及个人设置的管理|简化皮肤语言,使其易于学习和编写 。

        未来,Rainmeter将无所不能。我们的用户将以新的方式继续适用于我们的工具。我们已经等不及了想要看看中国的 Rainmeter的用户群将给我们带来怎样的可能。


使用道具 举报

签到天数: 68 天


发表于 2011-7-24 10:37:47 | 显示全部楼层
好耶!支持支持! 原来JOKY是论坛老大的英文名,一直以为这域名没什么含义呢。

使用道具 举报

签到天数: 3 天


发表于 2011-7-24 11:12:13 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-7-24 12:03:50 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-7-24 12:16:11 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-7-24 12:37:59 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-7-24 13:02:52 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-7-24 13:17:46 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-7-24 16:10:46 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-7-24 18:53:59 | 显示全部楼层

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